
What Inspires Art and Creativity?

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I often get asked about what inspires me. Where do I get my ideas from for my styled shoots, my perception of families, and the way I compose images by using lighting, color, and tones. I actually draw my ideas from so many different mediums and I visualize things in my head and translate that via mind-mapping onto notes after they’re done dancing around in my head!

One medium that inspires me so much is music! I’ll be honest, these ideas take the longest to put together because I never have much to go on (in terms of visual references) which I can display to designers, florists, venues, etc. and instead have to rely on my ability to explain the mood, ideas, and some details. Often I’m met with an abundance of questions which I cannot answer (my incredible fellow entrepreneurs rely on being told the details, logistics, and visual references) but I have been so blessed to meet so many creatives that have held my hand throughout this journey and trusted my instincts and story-telling.

So, what am I working on in the near future? Well, i’ll be honest, I’m currently super inspired by 2 totally different things and boy are they different!

1: 1980’s and early 90’s Madonna! I just have a dream to create a gorgeous shoot with this fun and confident mood set by Madonna’s best music!

2: “If I were a boy” by Beyonce. I’ve been dreaming about a creative photo shoot for a long time now and I cannot wait to have the mental space and business time to focus on bringing this project to life.


Another artistic form that inspires my photography is movies! Well, one movie in particular, more specifically, one scene especially inspires me. The scene in ‘Warrior Falls’ in the movie “Black Panther” is just breathtaking to me and I’ll never forget how awe-inspiring the entire shot was. The first time I saw the camera zooming in over the falls and landing on this stunning landscape with gorgeous people wearing the most spectacular clothing I’ve ever seen, I’ll never forget how I felt in that moment. My brain just lit up with ideas, tones, colors, and inspiration! To this day, I’ve been steadily working on creating my outdoor beach images to reflect the feel and look of those tones. I’m almost obsessed! LOL!

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One final thing that i’ll share which inspires my creativity are stories and color! I LOVE stories and books of all kinds. I’m actually working on an incredible photo session that was completely inspired by two things:

1: The Pantone Color of the Year (it’s classic blue)

2: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (my favorite book)

How, you ask, do I mix these two together? It actually makes complete sense in my mind! Haha! I love the story of “the alchemist’“ and I could write a whole different blog post on how this book changed my perception of life but also, the idea of mystery and intrigue paired with the color blue just worked in my brain! I cannot wait to shoot this event next month and share it with all of you!


So there you have it friends, a few of the things that inspire me to create images. What you may be surprised to know is that I am NOT inspired by other photographers! Why you ask? It’s simple really, I value other photographers so much, I know how hard they work and aside from keeping my eyes peeled for posing ideas, I try to avoid looking too far into their concepts, colors, and ideas because I think it’s so important to create original images with your own ideas and personality infused into them. This is why I’ve been working so hard on creating styled shoots lately! It’s just another extension of my creative process (except a lot more work and logistics) and I am eternally thankful for the fabulous event coordinator that’s been literally holding my hand throughout these shoots!

Also, if you’re getting married or having a special event in Oahu, please contact my brilliant friend Kalinda!



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weekly inspo for dreamers