
Boho Glam Photo Session. Ewa Beach, HI. Brenda

I’ve been working on a little something for a couple of months and I’m so excited to share it with you guys! I started a group for a few incredibly talented women called the ‘Wild and Whimsy Collective’ and this is from our first shoot-out! We really had too much fun and our gorgeous model is Brenda. She is so sweet, fun, and easy-going that working with her was a breeze! It made me laugh though because this was her first time being photographed professionally, let alone by 4 photographers at the same time and naturally, she was a bit nervous but she was such a pro that we started joking about how she must be a part-time model! Seriously, she did such a great job and I am so grateful that I was able to create so many incredible images for her!

Brenda is actually not a model (although you can’t tell by looking at her because she totally crushed this session!), believe it or not, she’s an Active Duty Marine!!! That’s actually how we met, she works with my husband and as soon as I met her, I knew that it was only a matter of time before I got her in front of my camera! Guys, she’s so good at her job and now, she’s got a part-time modeling career! LOL! Honestly though, I am madly in love with this session and working alongside other photographers is something that I truly enjoy because we work together as a team and create amazing images for some amazing people along the way! I still haven’t fully decided how long our mastermind is going to last before I start anew but I’m already so humbled that such strong, talented, hard-working, and incredible women trust me and were willing to sign up for this adventure as we grow together!


Thanks so much for showing up and being the badass that you are! I was so clearly freaking out during the session because I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to photograph you and I just knew the photos were coming out so good! You seriously crushed it and I am so grateful that you were able to accommodate our fun little group and let us work with you! I hope you enjoyed your experience because I always love working with clients and letting them get a peek at the creative process! Unfortunately, you had to go back to your regular job with those stinky guys on Monday! LOL! But, I hope that the memories of our session and collaborating with us was enough to pull you through 🙂

Love, Jailyn


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